Little girl smiling in the garden

Faltering Growth in infants and children

Faltering growth is the failure of children to achieve adequate growth at a normal rate for their age. This is as a result of an insufficient intake of nutrients / absorption of nutrients in relation to their requirements. This may be due to an underlying medical condition or other social or environmental factors. Chronic undernutrition is associated with reduced cognitive development, longer term effects on growth trajectory and development later in life. There is also a link between undernutrition and immunity. Infants and children with or at risk of faltering growth will require nutritional support measures to ensure they are able to meet their requirements for catch-up growth and normal growth and development. Learn more about the assessment and management of faltering growth below.

Getting started

Mother holding a baby with allergy on his back

Dietetic Management of Complex Paediatric Feeding Disorders (including ARFID)

Recorded webinars & presentations | Faltering Growth in Infants & Children | Hilary Colgan, Dietitian Manager, Central Remedial Clinic
29 mins
Mother holding a baby with allergy on his back

Ensuring nutritional adequacy in children on a plant-based diet

Recorded webinars & presentations | Faltering Growth in Infants & Children | Aveen Bannon, Registered Dietitian at the Dublin Nutrition Centre
25 mins
Mother holding a baby with allergy on his back

Effectiveness of paediatric ONS - Insights from a new systematic review

Recorded webinars & presentations | Faltering Growth in Infants & Children | Dr. Abbie Cawood
10 mins
Toddler sitting at the table refusing food

Avoidant Restrictive Food Intake Disorder (ARFID)

Recorded webinars & presentations | Faltering Growth in Infants & Children | Dr. Veronica Kelly, Consultant Paediatrician in Neurodisability, at the Central Remedial Clinic in Dublin
31 mins
Mother holding a baby with allergy on his back

Current thinking and management of Faltering Growth

Recorded webinars & presentations | Faltering Growth in Infants & Children | Chris Smith, Clinical Lead Senior Paediatric Dietitian at Sussex NHS Foundation Trust
30 mins
Girl wiith her mother at doctor's check-up

How to use physical exams to assess for malnutrition in infants and children with poor growth: Practical tips beyond anthropometrics

Recorded webinars & presentations | Faltering Growth in Infants & Children | Caitlin Stewart
30 mins
Toddler sitting at the table refusing food

Understanding Diagnosis and Dietary Management of Avoidant Restrictive Food Intake Disorder

Recorded webinars & presentations | Faltering Growth in Infants & Children | Nutricia Academy
67 mins
Mother holding a baby with allergy on his back

Nutritional Status and Monitoring in Paediatrics

Clinical Papers | Faltering Growth in Infants & Children | Nutricia Academy
300 mins

Nutricia Annual Congress 2023

Mother holding a baby with allergy on his back

Understanding ARFID – defining, managing and working together

Recorded webinars & presentations | Faltering Growth in Infants & Children | Dr Rosan Meyer, Dr Gillian Harris and Sarah Mason
54 mins
Man drinking a glass of orange juice

Inflammatory conditions of the gut: spotlight on dietary management of EoE and IBD

Recorded webinars & presentations | Faltering Growth in Infants & Children | Lauren Arpe and Lucy Jackman, Specialist Gastroenterology Dietitians
49 mins
Toddler sitting at the table refusing food

The management of eating disorders and disordered eating - an informed approach for dietitians

Recorded webinars & presentations | Faltering Growth in Infants & Children | Sarah Fuller, Advanced Specialist Eating Disorders Dietitian and Lead CAMH Dietitian
35 mins
Mother holding a baby with allergy on his back

Assessment and interpretation of micronutrient status in children, pitfalls and top tips for clinical practice

Recorded webinars & presentations | Faltering Growth in Infants & Children | Professor Konstantinos Gerasimidis
36 mins

Nutricia Complex Feeding Study Day 2022

Mother holding a baby with allergy on his back

Avoidant Restrictive Food Intake Disorder (ARFID) - Introduction

Videos | Faltering Growth in Infants & Children | Dr. Veronica Kelly
8 mins
Man drinking a glass of orange juice

Avoidant/Restrictive Food Intake Disorder (ARFID) - Nutritional Implications and Interventions

Videos | Faltering Growth in Infants & Children | Hilary Colgan, Dietitian
29 mins
Toddler sitting at the table refusing food

Avoidant/Restrictive Food Intake Disorder (ARFID) - Psychological Issues and Interventions

Videos | Faltering Growth in Infants & Children | Ruth Kevlin and Vicki Forde, Clinical Psychologists
31 mins
Mother holding a baby with allergy on his back

The Premature Infant Feeding Journey: From NICU to Childhood

Videos | Faltering Growth in Infants & Children | Zelda Greene, Clinical Specialist SLT & Annemarie Sims, Clinical Specialist OT
46 mins
Man drinking a glass of orange juice

Avoidant/Restrictive Food Intake Disorder (ARFID) Sensory Issues - The role of the SLT and OT

Videos | Faltering Growth in Infants & Children | Clare Shannon (SLT) & Heather O'Tuairisg (OT)
38 mins

Nutricia Virtual Congress 2021

Mother holding a baby with allergy on his back

The Dietetic approach across the range of nutritional needs for fussy eaters. Nutricia Virtual Congress 2021.

Recorded webinars & presentations | Faltering Growth in Infants & Children | Lucy Upton
1 hour 20 mins
Man drinking a glass of orange juice

Paediatrics Poster Session. Compact ONS trial in paediatric faltering growth.

Recorded webinars & presentations | Faltering Growth in Infants & Children | Dr Corbin Griffen
7 mins
Toddler sitting at the table refusing food

Congenital Heart Disease - locally implementing a consensus-based nutritional pathway

Recorded webinars & presentations | Faltering Growth in Infants & Children | Dr Luise Marino, Brittany Rothman, Catherine Kidd
10 mins
Mother holding a baby with allergy on his back

The challenges of monitoring growth during a global pandemic. Nutricia Virtual Congress 2021.

Recorded webinars & presentations | Faltering Growth in Infants & Children | Sarah Trace
42 mins

Focus on Clinical Practice

Mother holding a baby with allergy on his back

What's next for improving nutrition and growth outcomes in infants with congenital heart disease?

Recorded webinars & presentations | Faltering Growth in Infants & Children | Dr Luise Marino, Catherine Kidd, Amber Green, Brittany Rothman
1 hour 8 mins
Man drinking a glass of orange juice

Blended diet in practice: Exploring the pros and cons

Recorded webinars & presentations | Faltering Growth in Infants & Children | Katie Green, Marie Watson
38 mins