Compared to non-synbiotic EHFs, Aptamil Pepti Syneo has been shown to support IMPROVED symptom management1-3†,4±
PLUS the presence of scGOS/lcFOS* and Bifidobacterium Breve M-16V helps rebalance the gut microbiota4 to support immune development and long-term health5–8
The Syneo blend is a patented combination of scGOS/lcFOS* and Bifidobacterium Breve M-16V working in synergy
Evidence shows that the combination of scGOS/lcFOS* and Bifidobacterium breve M-16V positively influences the gut microbiota of formula-fed infants2,4
*scGOS/lcFOS = short chain galacto-oligosaccharides and long chain fructo-oligosaccharides.
†UK 4 week single split arm study1-3: infants with non-IgE mediated CMA, baseline non-synbiotic EHFs vs Aptamil Pepti Syneo.
±12 week randomised controlled trial4,5: infants with atopic dermatitis, Aptamil Pepti Syneo vs Aptamil Pepti.
^subgroup of n=48 infants with IgE associated atopic dermatitis.
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