- Wash your hands before starting to set up feed.
- To lower the risk of contamination, set up equipment using a clean work area. Avoid touching any internal part of the feed container, giving set or feeding tube with your hands. Avoid unnecessary handling of equimpent.
- Sterilefeeds can be hung for up to 24 hours from opening, provided they are handled using a clean technique and have been lept as a closted system i.e. remain connected to the giving set.
- If you are using a collapsible bottle and have removed the cap (open system), then the feed has a hanging time of maximum 8 hours
- Powdered feeds made up with liquid, have a limited hanging time of no more than four hours to prevent microbiological contamination.
- It is advisable to consult with your healthcare professional to discuss your individual needs in terms of hang times; taking into account the type of feed you are using and your method of adminstration.
- Feed containers must not be topped up with feed once feeding has started; the total volume must be decanted at the start of the new feed.
- Dispose of any unused feed after the above time periods.
- Change giving sets every 24 hours, or more frequently if advised by your health care professional.
- Before disposing of enteral feeding waste products you will need to check with your healthcare professional, local hospital or authority that it is acceptable to dispose of them in your normal household rubbish.
- Check with your healthcare professional which type of water is recommended for flushing. You can use sterile or cooled boiled water and a single use syringe unless otherqise advised by the healthcare professional.
- Check that the pack is undamaged and unopened and observe the expiry date prior to use.
- Always gently shake the bottle or pack before use. If the feed appears to have curdled, use a different pack and contact Nutricia Homeward.